Recently Horizon Dental made a donation to the Kamloops Music Collective’s bursary fund. The Kamloops Music Collective bursary fund allows KMC to continue to provide financial support to families who face financial boundaries, so that every youth who wishes to participate in music education in our community, has the opportunity! In 2023 we managed to provide over $16,000 in funding to youth in our community, and this year we aim to top that.

5 Rapid Fire Questions with Dr. Cindy Nagel of Horizon Dental
Did you play any musical instruments as a child? I played the clarinet in band for five years.
What is your favorite musical? I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera on Broadway in New York… I know, spoiled right?! So that is definitely near dear to my heart. I would really like to see the Lion King on Broadway. I love musicals!
What is your favorite thing about Kamloops? It's the community. It's the people! It's people like you and organizations like the Kamloops Music Collective. The community pulls together and does things for people in ways that I haven't seen in other places that I've been. It's one of the things that makes Kamloops particularly special… The weather is also a massive perk! I like the sun.
How do you show your creative side? I have bad ADD so I jump between projects all the time! Right now I am spending a lot of time knitting. I love to paint and I really really want to take adult music lessons. I have written a ton of parody songs for my job, I can't sing them, at least I'm afraid to sing them. I have five different parodies I've written.
Last question is, why did you donate to Kamloops Music Collective? Because I love music and I want the kids [of our community] to get the opportunity to learn and to embrace and to appreciate all different kinds of music!
***If you are an individual or business in Kamloops, and would like to contribute to our bursary drive contact the KMC office at to hear more!