In 2003, the instant classic Disney Pixar movie, “Finding Nemo” was released to the joy of families all around the world! This January, the Kamloops Music Collective, Not Your Average Joe’s Car Wash, and The Kamloops Film Society want to give you a chance to enjoy this movie with your family and friends in a theatre environment one more time! We are taking you back to "P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.", to re-experience the joy, laughter and fun of Finding Nemo, all in support of music education!
When: January 20th, 2024 at 6 PM
Where: Paramount Theatre (Kamloops Film Society)

The best part? Admission is by donation, and every dollar donated is reinvested into the Kamloops Music Collective’s bursary program, to ensure that young musicians in our community have the chance to follow their passion for music and the arts!
In addition to watching this movie on the big screen, youth in grades 3 - 8 also have the opportunity to participate in the Disney’s Finding Nemo JR musical! This smash hit movie went on to be a fun-filled musical too; with many of our favourite sea, air, and land creatures returning. Disney’s Finding Nemo JR will be the Set the Stage! Spring Break Performing Arts camp musical this year, and we cannot wait to see the amazing production they put on in one short week!
This year, the Set the Stage! Spring Break Performing Arts Camp will be taking place from March 18th- 22nd 2024, from 8:30am - 3:30pm daily. At Set the Stage! we teach musical theatre fundamentals that help students shine on stage and in all aspects of their lives. The program is modeled after the Kamloops Interior Summer School of Music, and allows participants to explore many aspects of musical theatre and performance. If you know a young musician in grades 3-8 who may be interested in this opportunity, you can click HERE to find out more!
We look forward to seeing you on January 20th 2024 and seeing the amazing young performers in your life in March!