With growing and changing school offerings, we are so fortunate to have passionate music teachers in our school district that work daily to keep the arts alive in our community. This year the Kamloops Music Collective is excited to be coordinating with 2 such teachers; Jaymi Daniels from Valleyview Secondary School, and Jarrett Schill of the new Brocklehurst Secondary School.
Band Together is a fantastic way for youth in grades 6 & 7 who are curious about, and passionate about, band! The program spans over 6 weeks after school where the youth will learn the basics of being part of a band ensemble. This program gives the students a chance to interact with peers who will be attending the same high school as them in September 2025 or 2026, while also exploring their potential future music program with the school's band teacher.
Registration opens soon, but if you’re curious about the program and want more details check out our BAND Together section on our website HERE.