Set the Stage! is one the Kamloops Music Collective's newest programs.
This one week, all day camp is perfect for kids who love to perform!

Set the Stage! is one the Kamloops Music Collective's newest programs.
This one week, all day camp is perfect for kids who love to perform!


The Kamloops Music Collective (KMC) is a registered charitable organization that works to support the music ecosystem in our community. We offer year round music programming, and encourage participation in music making opportunities in Kamloops. Additionally, we work in partnership with local music educators and other arts organizations to help build strong programs that contribute to musical vibrancy of Kamloops. The Kamloops Music Collective works year round to build partnerships that support the music community in Kamloops and simultaneously works to develop and deliver unique, grassroots programs which meet the needs of our community.

Our Vision
The Kamloops Music Collective is a grassroots organization that is able to design and deliver innovative programming that specifically meets the needs of our region. Our unique programs provide youth with an opportunity to connect with their peers, while giving them an outlet for their creative expression.

Our Mission
The Kamloops Music Collective (KMC) is a leader in designing and delivering innovative music education programs for youth in Kamloops and the surrounding areas. Our work ensures that all young musicians have the opportunity to learn, play and perform music under the guidance of professional music educators.

our community
The Kamloops Music Collective is uniquely positioned as the largest non-profit music education organization in our region, which allows us to identify and fill gaps in local music programming and services. Four decades of experience and an in-depth understanding of the needs in our region allows our organization to ensure the delivery of the highest quality programs for youth in the Interior of BC.
Meet The Team

Megan Alpaugh
Executive Director
Megan Alpaugh has been working at Kamloops Music Collective in multiple roles to help create, organize and facilitate events and programs for the past 5 1/2 years. Prior to beginning at the Kamloops Music Collective, Megan went to Thompson Rivers University and got her Bachelor of Business Administration, and then went on to Georgian College to get her graduate certificate in Event Management. Her position with the KMC allows her to combine her passions of helping to organize and run events, with her other passion; office administration. Following her predecessor, Kim Mangan, Megan is excited to continue her work with KMC and all the musical families of BC Interior!

Executive Dog / Mascot
Meet our Executive Dog Mozzie! His role includes keeping up with the office shredding, greeting office guests, filing, managing staff morale and occasionally modelling for marketing campaigns. With so many responsibilities on his shoulders, he often requires a mid-day siesta, but can be lured back to work with treats or cuddles if needed.
While Mozzie is generally an administrative staff member, he does occasionally make appearances at KMC programs, and LOVES meeting all the young musicians. Mozzie particularly enjoys working with children, and anyone else who will rub his belly or feed him treats!
When Mozzie is not at work he loves going for hikes and off leash runs, diving into piles of snow, chasing leaves, having snacks and taking long naps.
Mozzie looks forward to seeing you around the KMC office in the future!

Paige Olsen
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Paige Olsen has loved music since she was a young 5-year-old orphan in a community production of Oliver Twist in Northern BC. She attended Kamloops School of the Arts, graduating in 2018, having participated in every Drama and Musical Theatre show she could. She has participated in KISSM and has worked for the Kamloops Music Collective for many years. Paige loves to sing, especially musical theatre music, and she competed in the Kamloops Festival of Performing Arts for nearly ten years in both the Classical and Musical Theatre categories. As well as taught voice at the Kamloops Symphony Music School, where she took her voice and music theory lessons. Paige is currently in a Music Education k-12 Choral Program at BYU in Utah. She loves working with kids and cannot wait to be singing her heart out with the KISSM students this summer!

Rachel Reid
Program Coordinator
Since before Rachel had even started elementary school she had been attending musicals, whether it was Les Miserables at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver, or local Summerland Singers and Players productions, she was hooked! She would fall asleep listening to the cassettes of musicals her parents’ owned. After receiving a diploma in Publishing and Design, and then a degree in Early Childhood Education; she worked in the Early Childhood Educational field and eventually found herself in Kamloops working and raising a family. Together with her family she spends a lot of her time playing video games and boardgames!